This year I have been inspired by Gretchen Rubin and her sister Elizabeth Craft to try out a strategy called 20 for 2020. The idea behind this is simple, pick 20 things that you would like to do/work on and commit to doing them for the year. So the 20 I have picked are:

  • Climb Cnoc Mordáin (hill near where I grew up) did it with my son
  • Complete a cross stitch piece (in progress – not finished yet – didn’t get to finish it)
  • Listen to Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky on audio book – Done – that’s one thing I’m never going to do again…non-stop misery!!!
  • Go to a musical – did that online – watched Jesus Christ Superstar
  • Go to a play – not yet –
  • Colour 5 mandalas that’s (done)
  • Visit Scéirde (another local location) not done and probably won’t be
  • Lose a stone weight (in progress) – struggling with this to be honest.
  • Listen to Wuthering Heights audio book (Done – fascinating to listen to a book I had done in school – Heathcliff=SERIOUS ISSUES..)
  • Plant some spuds (no, think that was my fantasy self – I’m not a gardener) Nope, not done
  • Try another acting course – COVID has sort of put paid to that. Not done either
  • Identify and walk three new routes (did that – but only walked them once)
  • Book a session with a stylist (Nope and again given that we are all in lockdown – pretty sure it won’t happen this year). Not done either
  • Do a pilgrim walk (had it planned – off the radar now)
  • Listen to Jane Eyre on audio (Done)
  • Do 1000 piece jigsaw (Done)
  • Visit Harry Clarke stained glass window (Tully Cross) – Done
  • Visit Harry Clarke stained glass window (Renvyle) – Done
  • Write 52 newsletters (in progress) – Done
  • Do a calligraphy workshop (Done)