How to link files and change the file

How to link external files into an Excel file and then change if required A common requirement is to pull data from one Excel file into another.  You should begin by setting the scene. i.e. make sure you have all the files you need open.  Let’s call those source...

Two ways to group your numbers in Excel

I was recently asked in a class about grouping entries together. In that case it was fish lengths but what I show here applies to a wide range of options. The first method shows you how to use the inbuilt facilities of Excel pivot tables to group numbers into...

How to use Index Match

In this tutorial what I am looking at is the alternative to Vlookup() – Index/Match which is – astonishingly enough – a combination of two functions: Index and Match. I give an explanation of Match in this tutorial as well.  You can download the...

16 – Conditional formatting in Excel

So for this I am going to walk you through one of the exercises I do with my learners when I am teaching Conditional formatting – particularly using the Highlight Cells Rules options. This is a file with the exercises in it. Here are the questions The number of...